مجله خبري سنگ و كفسابي و پوليش انواع سنگو و گرانيت

اطلاع رساني در مورد انواع سنگ ، كفسابي ، قيمت كفسابي ، پوليش سنگ و گرانيت ، تراورتين و ...

ايليا ارايه دهنده خدمات كفسابي و ترميم و نگهداري سنگ و نما

۷۰ بازديد ۰ نظر

ايليا به آينده‌اي مي نگرد كه بتواند با تبديل شدن به مرجع پاسخگويي و خدمات تخصصي در  مسائل ترميم سنگ و نگهداري سنگ ، بتون در كف و نما، گامي كوچك در ترفيع جايگاه و زيبايي سنگ و صنعت ساختمان ايران بردارد.

محوريت علمي و تكنولوژيك در ترفيع جايگاه و زيبايي سنگ در ايران و سنگ ايراني در جهان و استفاده بهينه از آن در ايران مي باشد.

از ماموريت هاي اصلي ايليا ، دستيابي و رسيدن به فن‌آوري هاي به روز دنياست تا با كارشناسان خبره و رايزني با صاحبان فكر و نام در زمينه خدمات سنگ آنها را براي سرزمين ايران بومي سازي كند.

براي اين كار آموزش، توليد محتوا، ارائه خدمات فني و بازرگاني مرتبط با ترميم، احيا، نگهداري و ارتقا وضعيت سنگ و بتون در كف و نماي ساختمان را رسالت خود مي‌داند.خدماتي مانند كفسابي ، سابزني و ارايه قيمت كفسابي ، قيمت دستگاه كفسابي و همينطور ارايه هزينه سابزني و هزينه كفسابي از جمله موارد ديگر در خدمات ايليا هستند.

از مهمترين ارزش هاي محوري ايليا احترام به طبيعت و مشتري در عين به‌ روز بودن و سرآمدن در نوآوري و فن‌آوري دو بال ارزشي و دو موتور محرك ايليا است.

از محدوده فعاليت ايليا مي توان به سنگ و بتون كه يكي از سرمايه‌هاي با ارزش هر ساختمان و بنايي است؛اشاره كرد. ايليا از معدن و استحصال سنگ يا توليد بتون و سنگ در كارخانه، يا مراحل نصب و اجرا، بعد از اجرا يا نهايتاً در نگهداري و ترميم آنها، مي‌تواند در كنار مشتري و مصرف كننده باشد.

بودن كنار مشتري و شناخت نياز مشتري، سمت و سوي انتخاب، يادگيري و انتقال فنآوري لازم براي رفع نياز مشتري را فراهم مي‌كند. به عبارت ديگر نياز مشتري معيار انتخاب ايليا براي بهترين و به روزترين فنآوري دنيا است. براي همين است كه ايليا فنآوري را سرويس مي دهد. يا ايليا تكنولوژي را سرو مي كند!


ترميم گرانيت


معرفي سايت توليد كننده سنگ يراني | سنگ اطلس

۸۷ بازديد ۰ نظر

Atlas Stone are  50 years of “experience” in decorative and structural stone processing in Iran.

Which stones do we supply?

As for the stones, we can supply you varieties of TravertinesMarblesGranites and Onyx. All can be supplied in blocks, Slabs and tiles in a very standard export scales.

How about the Logistics?

As for the logistics, we have an excellent logistic team to take care of Sea and Road transportation. Even when the term of contract is FOB where we have no responsibility for the carriage, we still help our customers in order to choose the best companies and best rates for transportation.


Atlas Stone

What is the Export Management Company?

Exports management companies are completely independent companies that act as export sales departments for manufacturers. The commitment of these companies to maintain a long-term relationship with manufacturers and buyers of goods around the world, which distinguishes the nature of these companies from other business and business units. Part of this commitment is the effort to promote the value added of products that cover non-international marketing. The Export Management Company focuses its services on identifying demand for international markets.

Then, by collecting targeted market information and processing them and designing appropriate strategies for correct response to foreign market demand. Consequently, on the one hand, enterprises benefit from entering the global markets, and on the other hand, export management companies benefit from long-term relationships between the exporter and the buyer. Obviously, due to this interplay, an effective service will also be provided to expand non-oil exports of the country.

Exports management companies play a significant role in eliminating information loopholes, ambiguities, doubts and other risks associated with activities in foreign markets.
Specific examples of export barriers include lack of export experience, inadequate information on the target market, inability to identify customers / buyers in foreign markets, problems in communicating with and contact with customers and suppliers, inappropriate presence in The target market, the inability to find a reliable distributor, a reputable representative, and a lack of a well-known and internationally renowned brand. Given the above, entering this area and setting up a specialized export company to provide the benefits of the manufacturing sector, as well as the development of the trade mark of the transnationality of the country is essential Was.


Who are Atlas Export Management

We are one of the biggest stone exporters in Iran who have regular supplies of variety of stone marble from Iran to various countries. We are the

Marble and Travertine quarry owner in North and central of Iran. We have also a factory in Tehran (near the international airport).




How to know Granite & buy it?

۷۵ بازديد ۰ نظر

Is used to make many objects that we encounter in daily life. These includes counter tops, paving stone, floor tiles, building veneer…

Granite is a granular, hard and igneous rock which consists of quartz, feldspar and mica, it forms from tje slow crystallisation of magma below earth’s surface.

The world’s largest granite wuarry is found in North Carolina.

Granite has many colors to include: Slab Granite , Green Granite , Grey Granite , Block Granite , Tile Granite


Slab Granite



for buy and for more information visit the atlas stone export management.

Information About Marbel & How To Buy

۶۷ بازديد ۰ نظر

Marble is a non-foliated metamorphic rock composed of recrystallised carbonate mineral. This stone is a plentiful stone which can be found in shades of Grey Marble, Cream Marble , Pietra Grey Marble , Golden Back Marble , Beige Marble ....

The word  “ Marble ” derives from Greek word meaning : CRYSTALLINE ROCK.

It is cut into slabs or smaller pieces to be used in construction or art, generally found in US, Greece and Iran.


Crystalline marble is a white stone with a sugary appearance, including the calcium carbonate.

This stone is made of calcite mineral, the word crystal and chini are not the standard and scientific words.

Example: Azna crystal, Aligoodarz, ghorveh…






for more information visit the atlasstone.co & contactus.

Information for Onyx

۹۵ بازديد ۰ نظر

Onyx is a natural stone well known for its translucence and elegance, it can be identified by its patter: a base color ( Honey Onyx , Green Onyx )with parallel, straight and white bands.

This stone is consisting of fine inter-growths of the silica minerals quartz.

In the commercial natural stone industry, onyx refers a category of stones which are made of layered bands of light coloured or translucent mineral, when cleaning you should keep in mind that onyx is relatively soft, porous and easy to damage.



honey onyx



for more information visit the atlasstone.co and contact us.

Information About Travertine

۸۸ بازديد ۰ نظر

Travertine quarries are mostly located in Iran, Italy, turkey…

This is a type of limestone which forms around mineral spring deposits.

The difference between travertine and other natural stone is how the stone was formed, it is formed in hot springs or limestone caves. Travertine is vert durable as it is water and moisture resistant but is sensitive to acidic substances.

Types of Travertine include: Beige Travertine , Iranian Travertine , Silver Travertine , Red Travertine , Yellow Travertine



Iranian Travertine



for more information visit the atlas stone and contact us.